The GVR Canine Club does not directly or indirectly support or sponsor any Pet Company or Pet Service. We offer a clearinghouse of local and national canine resources that we hope are beneficial to our club members.
10 Tips to Keep Pets Safe in Green Valley - by Annie Baker
Agility Training - Ruff House with Crystal in Tucson and Empire Ridge Ranch with Liane in Vail & Tucson
Dogg!t - Find you Perfect Pup - First ever health verified breeder network
Pet Insurance - Rainwalk Pet Insurance - Free Quote
Pets and Poison - University of Arizona - 800-222-1222
The Tucson Dog (Magazine)
Travel safely with your Pets - Humane Society of US
Vaccination Schedule - Human Society of Southern Arizona
Valley Fever Center for Excellence - University of Arizona
Veterinary Partner - Great source for diseases & conditions for dogs and other animals